HUG Hydronics in-floor heating tool kit with bag, slip jaw pliers, pipe cutter, multi tool wires stripper

Our Tool Kit vs Their’s

Hugh the ducky quacks techHugh the Ducky has been learning all about installing hydronic in-floor heating systems, and in his research he noticed that the HUG System comes with 1 small screw driver with an optional 4 piece tool kit (has slip jaw pliers, wire cutters, & pipe cutters) that can make the job even easier.

But the required tools for the old fashioned in-floor heating system (we will pick on Radiantec, as it’s the next closest do-it-yourself system out there). has an 11 piece list, many of which actually require multiple items.radianteh list of tools

Radiantec does have nice directions, formated in PDF and fairly easy to follow (through the lengthy and painful process).

Compare this with Ducky’s own Quick Quack Start Guide, where you can get it running in about 1 hour.

Any quackstions?